Saturday, October 31, 2009

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

More information in this topic:;...

Relating to the previous topic (son was pedestrian and hit by car)... the person driving is covered by CUNA Mutual, a insurance company provided to employees and members of Credit Unions.

Well I called them today because the person driving hasn%26#039;t contacted my lawyer back with her information, so I called CUNA to ask if they even have a policy with her and they said that if she does, she wouldn%26#039;t have liability coverage. It would be considered Collatoral Damage Protection (or some thing like that). WTF is that about?

Do they think their members and employees are better than everyone else?

My son is severely injured physically and emotionally and they aren%26#039;t going to do nothing about it?

Please if anyone knows about this company or goes through a company like this, explain to me wtf is going on??

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

Sounds to me like you live in a no-fault state. That is how insurance policies are written there. I hope the driver has assets, because he is liable even if you live in a no-fault state. Have a quick conversation with your lawyer, and see if he has determined if the driver has any assets or any hope of future assets.

You can win assets or attach future earnings.

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

I know of CUNA Mutual. How can I contact you? Report It

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

Why are you calling her insurance company? They just LOVE to talk to people who will not know if the info they are getting is true or even legal.

Your Attorney is your trump card, let him/her call. If he/she won%26#039;t you need a new Attorney.

And that didn%26#039;t scream at you, BAD ATTORNEY???? You NEED A NEW ATTORNEY!!!!

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

I don%26#039;t know about Cuna, but here in the States, you better include uninsured driver in your policy because of situations like this.

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

get a Lawyer now. File suit now. Most lawyers will take pay when you win, 1/3. no money up front. Keep calling til you find one that will file the suit in court. Sorry but this is the only way. File against the driver and the insurance company both. Check State laws, in my State the pedestrian always has the right of way, always.

BTW, get a copy of the police report, they can not refuse that request.

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

call your insurance company and they will direct you or you can get a lawyer.

Driver insured but no liability coverage? WTF?

please don%26#039;t try to help your attorney out by doing the leg work that why you have legal representation keep in mind that the other insurance comp will play dumb in order to get your side of the story and your intentions don%26#039;t help you have a good case

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