a very wise person, a long time ago, said %26#039;never give up your personal freedoms, in exchange for security.%26#039; (if you dont know who it was, dont worry about it).
part of the Patriot Act%26#039;s scope of %26#039;warrantless searches%26#039; include financial institutions, such as Banks and Credit Unions. guess what else this travesty to our freedoms and privacy ALSO considers %26#039;financial institutions%26#039;.....
mortgage companies
auto dealers
pawn shops
the US Post Office
YOUR doctor%26#039;s office
YOUR attorney%26#039;s office, etc etc.
they can swoop in to any and all of these without so much as approval from a qualified judge, and confiscate every single piece of information they want.
how does that make you feel?
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
%26quot;And maybe I run into so many people who are hostile just because they can%26#039;t open their minds to the possibilities that sometimes the need to mess with their heads outweighs the millstone of humiliation.%26quot; -- Fox Mulder
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
You have your facts wrong.
Read the actual act, rather than interest group propaganda.
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
I work for a credit union and the Patriot Act protects against money laundering and tax fraud. It also prevents us from doing business with people who may have aided things such as 9/11. It doesn%26#039;t prevent any innocent person from being able to do anything they could do otherwise, why are you so worried?
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
Join the ACLU contributor list then you%26#039;ll receive updates explaining how all these instutitutions can be blended into one continous search that can go from state to state and even assist federal agents in tracking your every movement if they so desire to waste time and money. Think of it if you have nothing to hide and aren%26#039;t the wiser its no problem. But if you have nothing to hide but realize they are breathing down your neck then its a real civil liberties issue that can either empower you to take action or leave you feeling helpless or the victim of a Bourne Identity type nervous breakdown. This is not a drill.
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
i%26#039;m very uncomfortable with our giving up these rights ... i think we were manipulated into getting it done in a panic state.
once they have it .. even if we take it away ... they are gonna keep what we have ... let%26#039;s get real here.
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
%26quot;...a very wise person, a long time ago, said %26#039;never give up your personal freedoms, in exchange for security.%26#039;...%26quot;
Your quote is from a different world, pal. Most people understand the stupidity of basing their geopolitical beliefs on something said a couple of hundred years ago in a much smaller world that didn%26#039;t have millions of sub-humans fanatically dedicated to slaughtering every %26quot;infidel%26quot; man, woman and child on the planet.
As for the dreaded Patriot Act and its temporary suspension of citizens%26#039; rights -- if you%26#039;re innocent you ain%26#039;t got nothing to worry about.
Also, there%26#039;s not a single word in your non-question rant about what YOU would do to try and protect us from terrorism. How easy it is for some airheads to criticize. How hard it is to come up with an alternative solution that really works.
Try spending some time in the 21st Century for a change.
How do you feel about this part of the Patriot Act?
I hate the whole thing. Can%26#039;t wait for Hillary to take the white house and get rid of it.
It is merely a vehicle for the government to keep track of us citizens.... Hitler did the same thing...and several other malicious dictators like Stalin......
He and his thugs are traitors..
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