Is there even such thing as the white race anymore or has this been stripped away by our government? I see black colleges, jewish organizations, Ucranian Credit Unions, and the list goes on. If seperation is racism, why is this not???
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
Different strokes for different folks. We live in a society today that has everything no matter what it is blown way out of content or context which ever you want to use. People in this world are not going to let a sleeping dog lye sleeping without wanting to wake it up. You wake up one morning and say I will start this new program and the next thing you know someone will come along and ask why didn%26#039;t you ask me if I wanted to join. Bingo conflict.
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
The masons are a all white organization.
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
I%26#039;m sorry this does not really answer your question but I have to say to Mrfox that he is entirely wrong.. there are black Masons
I think that most people who join these things think that whites can own/belong to whatever they want.. To me I feel like it is a reverse type of discrimination.
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
I think it is a matter of population,there could be a white people union in Africa for example.If we are the most then we do not need to be in unions and stuff...i could be wrong of-course
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
I am not sure if I get your question. Hey, if you ever would like to join a Korean dance club or Ukranian cooking club, I am more than sure they would welcome you. Likewise, look at all the Mexicans and Asians in the protestant/catholic church. Besides, black colleges are not all black, they are historically black in that they attract black students. There is no admission rule that they would not consider someone who%26#039;s not black. Therefore, it%26#039;s not seperation. I think the dean of the Howard law school, a historically black college, is an Asian. I went to a very elite East Coast college, and frankly, it%26#039;s 95% white. That by itself does not prove that there is a seperation policy, but rather a lack of diversity. A lack of diversity at Arabic poetry recitals does not mean that there is seperation, but simply mean that many white people do not know Arabic.
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
It%26#039;s an interesting point, and one that has sparked the debate recently over %26quot;affirmative action%26quot; policies at several major universities.
The idea behind these %26quot;separatist organizations%26quot; is one that says these groups have been unfairly compromised in the past, and the organization is attempting to make up for some of that compromise by providing certain advantages to its members.
One of the great things about our country is the right to peaceably assemble...and form any private group they want to. Even the neo-nazis can form their own organization in this country. They have the right to say whatever they want to say. I don%26#039;t have to agree with them, but I support their right to do so. As long as there are no government dollars being spent with the organization, it can do whatever it wants (within legal bounds).
Once federal or state dollars go to the organization, then it becomes bound to non-discrimination policies.
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
Huhhhhhhhhh! You make no sense.
Are you really so empty minded that you do not realize how entitled white people have been for over two hundred years in your country. The United States was built on the backs of slaves.
Most colleges, organizations are white owned, banks etc. What colour are the power brokers in the US.
I feel sad for you. Really. You do not ask questions, you make racist inflammatory remarks and end them with question marks.
I am sure you understand this so I imagine you are just some lonely pimply faced jerk who has tired of playing with himself and went on the internet.
You are a little weasel.
One question, do you torture animals?
you should talk to someone who can set you straight, maybe a family doctor or a pastor, whatever works.
Grow up.
Why can every other race in the USA seperate themselves from the rest of us except the white race?
If you want to segregate your self so badly take some of your friends and move out to the middle of Montana or Wyoming and leave the rest of us in peace.
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